But this author, not content with merely developing theories based on past experience, embellished and added a new degree of fascination to the concept by letting science fiction take free rein.
Wells’ envisioned the future as a desperate struggle between the working class and the elite, a concept explored by many learned philosophers and historians. Wells’ classic The Time Machine is a typical example of SF serving as a social commentary. Over the past few decades, numerous science fiction stories and films have carried moral and societal chips on their shoulders, utilizing the genre’s built-in advantages to dramatically comment on the state of our lives and man’s usually-stormy relationship with his fellow man in society.
The often underrated genre of science fiction offers imaginative writers and film producers a unique playground for concepts and theories that might emerge as heavy-handed or “message-laden” in other more down-to-earth fiction formats. Planet of the Apes (UK) Issue #33 (1975) - Planet of the Apes (UK) Issue #33 (1975)